Friday, June 10, 2011

What we read - Laban & Laboline

We like reading Inger and Lasse Sandberg's fantastic stories about "Lilla Spöket Laban" (The Little Ghost Godfrey) and his little sister Laboline. In this one (a thrift store find) Laboline stumbles all the time and demands all that gets into her way removed - the grass, the road, the castle. At the end her little world has totally changed and the mom and dad ghosts are so exhausted.

Very good reading for a little 2-year-old that wants to decide everything on her own - and Lasse Sandberg's illustrations are so nice with their fine combination of collage and drawing.


  1. Sikke et fint eksemplar! Herhjemme læser vi også om Laban og Labolina...
    Og fornylig fandt jeg en anden af deres bøger, "Tommels mor holder op med at ryge", temaet et meget socialrealistisk, men illustrationerne er de samme fine;-)

  2. Sophie - ha,ha, hvor er det sjovt med Tommels mor - den gad jeg godt se!


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