Friday, December 30, 2011

One Year Ago - Almost

These are a couple of snapshots a friend took of A and me New Year's Eve last year. So strange to see them now. They make me think of all the things that happened during this year - my big stomach right now, the wedding this summer, Frida Viola starting in kindergarten last spring, me stopping working at the gallery this autumn - and many more smaller changes and stories that are no less important for us. This year we won't go to the party, I think - A is ill and we are all exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. hej og rigtig, rigtig godt nytår til dig og din søde familie. det bliver jo et godt et med den lille ny! jeg kan godt forstå du er træt med den store mave. ligeså hyggelig julen er, ligeså træt kan man være: fest, familiebesøg, meget mad etc. :) kh sophie


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