Saturday, February 11, 2012

Shrovetide buns // Fastelavnsboller

Yesterday I tried out a new recipe on shrovetide buns. Frida Viola is allergic to a whole range of things and especially when it comes to sweet things. This recipe is from an old issue of Copenhagen Food (#3 2011) that I altered slightly to fit our needs - and the result turned out really good.

I used whole wheat flour and made a filling with marzipan and apple compote...

... and finally added little snowflakes of icing sugar just before serving.

They were well received.

This is how I did:
(for 20-25 buns)
50 g yeast
2½ dl milk
1-2 eggs depending on size
2 tbs canola oil
2 tsp cane sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp grounded cardemom
500 g whole wheat flour
150-200 g marzipan
1 egg for brushing
a little icing sugar

Apple compote:
750 g apples (I made 1 kg - the rest is good as topping on yogurt or porridge for breakfast)
2 vanilla pods
a little water

Heat the milk until luke warm and add the yeast. Add the rest of ingredients for the dough and let it rest while you make the compote. I keep the peel on and just cut the apples into small cubes and let them simmer with the vanilla pods and a little water until the apples are tender. I don't add sugar - it's not necessary. Split the dough into two and roll each portion out thinly. Use a cup or a glass with a diameter on approx. 8 cm to mark the size of the buns and add a little piece of marzipan and a bit of compote on each circle. Carefully place the other half of the dough on top of the filling and use the cup/glass again to cut out the buns. Let the buns rest for half an hour and brush with egg. Bake at 200 celsius for 12-15 minutes.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. kære inger-marie. tak for den skønne opskrift. de lyder helt utroligt lækre! det er så fint med kager og søde sager, som har noget substans i form af frugt og godt mel. men hvad er canola oil?
    kh sophie

  2. Hej Sophie. Jeg har brugt rapsolie - i opskriften stod der faktisk bare olie, så man kan nok bruge, hvad man har. Jeg var lidt i tvivl om oversættelsen - måske er canola oli slet ikke det rigtige!

  3. Hej Inger Marie

    Dem må jeg prøve at lave her i løbet af ugen, de ser super lækre ud! Vi har bagt alm. fastelavnsboller i dag, de var gode men jeg glæder mig til at prøve en lidt 'grovere' udgave.

    Mvh Kathrine


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