Saturday, July 21, 2012

ohh, frankie

I have been wanting a copy of frankie magazine for a long time, but you can't buy it in Denmark, so I was so happy when a friend gave me an issue. Ohh, what a perfect present! I can't say I have been reading alot in it yet - as I wrote earlier vacation with two little kids is also hard work - but I have been looking, and I love what I see. As for example Lottie Davies' beautiful photos from Syria before it's current strife, Yokoo Gibraan's fantastic "little prairie" like label Mother, Izzy Thornton's collection of vintage cards from the 1970s, Helena Randall's character sketches and the home of Italian illustrators Jenny Schenal and Graziano Farinaccio.


  1. Really love this magazine. Decided to subscribe to their digital issue recently because it's the same in Germany, you can't buy it at the newsstand.

  2. Sikke en fantastisk fin blog du har. Fandt herhen via finedage. Flotte billeder og fin inspiration! Kærlig hilsen Ida

  3. Hej Ida - tak og i lige måde :)

  4. Hej Inger Marie
    Jeg har lige været i Magasin og så at Frankie stod på bladhylden i kælderen. Så ved du det til næste eksemplar udkommer:-)

  5. Line - hvor er det fantastisk! Tusind tak for tippet :)


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