Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I guess you are all familiar with Wovenplay and their fantastic universe. I like to browse through their website that has so many beautiful photos and inspiring pages - as this one on Wovenplay's concept or this one on their inspiration. I really love their use of old techniques and costumes brought up to date with natural fabrics and handmade items. Wovenplay makes clothes that make me wish, I was still a little girl - and I don't doubt for a second that Frida Viola would blend straight into their universe and the stories told through the clothes.

All photos from Wovenplay's website.

1 comment:

  1. Det er så fint, så fint, helt magisk og poetisk et univers! Jeg havde det på samme måde som dig, da jeg igen og igen så deres reklamefilm som fuldstændigt fortryllede både Carla og jeg. Den fik mig til at længes lidt efter at være en lille pige i min egen hemmelige verden :)


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