Sunday, October 7, 2012


I love the design of the classic Hukit chair (maybe you remember my luck the day Frida Viola and I found an old one at the street...?), and since we have been searching for a worthy transition chair for Frida Viola now that Molly is going to take over the Nanna Ditzel highchair, we have decided on the high Hukit chair in black. I wanted to post about it because as we were going to order the chair we found out that they have a discount on 40 % at the moment (until October 10!) celebrating their new website.

Maybe some of you are also looking for a new children's chair...?

I am looking so much forward to receive our during next week - and I keep my fingers crossed that Frida Viola will also accept it in a good way since she has a hard time handing over the Ditzel chair for Molly...

Photos from Hukit's website.


  1. So very nice - ærgerligt at ungerne er for store til dem..

  2. Den er SÅ fin den stol (meget finere end Ikeas ;-)). Det er altså så inspirerende at følge med i din blog - tak!

  3. Hvor er du sød Ida - tak og i lige måde :)


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