Friday, February 14, 2014

inside the dollhouse

last summer we found a beautiful hand crafted doll cabinet at a roadside flea in Sweden. Frida Viola wanted it badly, but we didn't buy it for her. Later the same afternoon we regretted and returned to the flea. I was reading for the girls in the car, and somehow A succeded in picking up the rather big doll cabinet and managed to get it into the car without Frida Viola ever noticed it. Hence we had the perfect Christmas gift for her, we just added some new paint and wallpaper.

I love the way she creates her own rules in this miniature world - the doll kids have cake in the sofa and watch tv all day long.


  1. This is so lovely. I'm curious to know if the accessories were inside the dolls house too? How lucky she is. And I love the collection of small cases in the fourth picture, I also collect these for my daughter but I have to put them out of arms reach in case her little brother stands on them :( I dream of one day visiting Sweden and finding the same vintage wallpaper in a fleamarket! Elizabeth x

    1. elizabeth - the dollhouse furnitures are some we have collected at flea markets during the last couple of summers & some from my childhood. My architect dad built a huge dollhouse for my sister and I - and I have always been in love with miniature worlds :)

  2. Så fint! Floras dukker har samme indretningsstil! Det er så dejligt for hun passer virkelig godt på alle de gamle ting.

    1. Ja, det er så hyggeligt at give dukkehustingene videre og se, at de kommer i leg igen. Og jeg kan godt forestille mig, at Floras dukker bor i samme stil :)


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