Saturday, September 29, 2012

a girl with her own sleeping bag

We arrived here late last night. Both girls were asleep and didn't even get into their pyjamas. I know it's a little hard for them with this long and late drive, but we prefer it this way instead of spending a whole day on transport. And they were happy this morning when they woke up, rediscovering the place again. The photo below is Frida Viola in the morning light, still wearing the dress that she wore in kindergarten yesterday.

Top photo is Frida Viola and her new sleeping bag from today's visit at the local thrift store - she chose it herself and she feels very big... a girl with her own sleeping bag, as she puts it!


  1. Så sød & stolt hun er! Håber hun & Flora en dag kan ses. Kh Sophie

  2. Sikke en fin sovepose, kan godt forstå hun er stolt :)


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