Sunday, November 18, 2012


The light was beautiful when we passed the canal on our way home from the playground this afternoon. Few minutes later it was dark. We didn't have any plans this weekend and just stayed home the 4 of us, doing small projects. I finally started sewing Molly's christmas stocking. I wanted to do something similar to Frida Viola's. And we did a lot of cooking. This apricot compote is delicious and very simple. Soak two handfuls of dried apricots in water over night. Boil the apricots in the water with a teaspoon of vanilla until they are very soft and blend them. It tastes heavenly as Frida Viola put it. I made it for Molly but we all like it.

Good Sunday all of you!


  1. Skønt syn til kanalen, elsker vores by :-) hvor ser englen fin ud, den glæder eg mig til at se færdig :-)

  2. Kanal billedet er så smukt. Nu længes jeg efter København :)

  3. Ih hvor fint! fantastisk sød engel :-) Kommer helt i julestemning.

  4. Vilken vacker blogg du har:)
    jag undrar hur man kan följa dig..har du bloglovin eller FB??

    Gillar du inredning kan du kolla in min blogg:)

    ha en fin vecka

    LOVE Maria från

  5. Maria - tak for din hilsen! Jeg har ikke bloglovin og bruger heller ikke FB - så hvis man vil følge mig, må man bare klikke sig ind på bloggen :)KH Inger Marie


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