Thursday, May 30, 2013

kindergarten birthday

Today we celebrated Frida Viola's birthday with her kindergarten. It was the first time they all came home to us, and we were all quite exicted about it. Frida Viola woke up very early this morning, and we decorated her raspberry cake together.The medals are some A and I did very late last night - the queen's false teeth were lost (stolen by Tommy Toothless!) and the kids had to help her find them again. It was a nice and fun day (and Frida Viola was thrilled about the pink hairband she had from one of her little friends).


  1. Oh wow, do you mean the whole class came to your place? How brave you are! Your daughter is growing very fast x Elizabeth x

    1. Elizabeth - we are so lucky that Frida Viola's kindergarten is a small and cosy place, so only 11 kids came to our place :) And they were all so sweet and (in the beginning!) also a little shy ;-)

  2. Så fint og æstetisk, det hele :) Og YNDIGE pige. Tillykke med hende :)

    1. Tak Mette - lyst hår og krøller er bare ret yndigt :)

  3. Hvor ser det fint ud alt sammen. Frida Viola må have haft en vidunderlig dag! Jeg synes også, det er så hyggeligt at have børnenes venner på besøg. Kh Sophie


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