Wednesday, August 7, 2013


We try to do as many things during our vacation that we can't do in our daily life in the city. Today we went to Vasen - a beautifully situated and very old agriculture that uses organic principles although not certified yet. It's possible to pick your own berries and flowers and the place also has a small farmer's market and a café with juices, homemade cakes, and simple food as rye bread with potatoes. The girls were especially thrilled about the edible cornflower fields and the rasperries. Molly had a hard time keeping her little fingers from the berries. The thatched buildings that dates back to the end of 1700 are carefully restored and if you ever come to this part of Denmark the place is surely worthwhile a visit. It's well tucked away in the hills at the end of a long and narrow road.


  1. it seems like a wonderful place to
    spend time with family. yesterday, i went to the mareket looking for potatos but they didn't look good, so i came home without buying.
    i miss having fresh good looking veges.

    enjoy your rest of summer days.
    thanks for the beautiful photos. it is a good treat this morning.

  2. Ej, hvor ser det sted dejligt og spændende ud! Jeg havde aldrig hørt om det før. Gad vide om den slags findes i Nordjylland?

  3. Men det ER jo heroppe. Det må vi besøge : )

    1. Sophie - det må I helt sikkert gøre, det er sådan et smukt sted - føles lidt som verdens ende.


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