Wednesday, May 21, 2014

feeling summer

yes, we feel summer now. In the past week we had some Danish holydays. A had his birthday and the girls woke him up with lots of hugs in the morning. We went to Tivoli & we picked the first strawberry flowers in the backyard.

1. Molly has dressed up & reads books. She wants to be big now.
2. She picked me tiny pink strawberry flowers in the backyard.
3. Birthday hugs.
4. "Lune hveder" - a Danish tradition for a special holyday. These were good, with lots of cardamom.
5. & 6. Tivoli.


  1. Oh such beautiful photographs, I love the one of the girls with their daddy! A great way to wake up on a birthday. I see where your girls get their curls ;-) And the sweet pink table, did you wallpaper it? I admire your ideas. Warm wishes from France, Elizabeth xx

    1. I love that photo too :) And yes, they have their curls form him - they don't look at me at all! I only gave birth to them ;-) The pink kids table is a very ordinary model from Ikea that we painted and wallpapered (with a top layer of strong lacquer!). Especially Molly loves to sit their and "do work", as she puts it.

  2. Lovely, lovely photos -- very moving, in fact.

  3. Årh, det billede med far og pigerne (mangler en hel flok hjerteimotions ikoner her ;). Nu kan jeg se hvor pigerne har deres krøller fra.

    1. Hvor er du sød Mette :) Og krøllerne (og alt andet) er ikke til at tage fejl af ;-)

  4. Virkeligt fint familie portræt!

  5. Ja jeg må bare so som de over, hvilket vakkert bilde av far og børn!

  6. What is lune hveder? I try to find a translation of the receipe, but i only find on danish! And I am not able to read danish... Shame on me!! I love your blog!
    Catherine (from France) and in love with Scandinavia!!

    1. Catherine - "lune hveder" is a traditional Danish bun baked with wheat and a hint of cardamom. We only have it once a year, at "St.Bededag", a Danich holyday, and the tradition says that since the bakers were off at this public holyday, thay made these special buns the day before, so that the citizens could buy plenty and eat them toasted on the holyday. We still do and its quite cosy :) My mom used to bake them when I was a kid - but I don't think you will be able to find a translated recipe since this is something that only excists in Denmark.


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