Monday, December 10, 2012

december weekend

Such a nice weekend with snow, snow and snow and many little Christmas projects.

1. Gingerbread - my mom's old recipe.
2. The hyacinth from the other day.
3. Lucia breads - I made them with wholegrain flour so the beautiful colour from the saffron didn't really come into its own.
4. Frida Viola is drawing, drawing, drawing.
5. Little rattle I made for Molly's Christmas stocking.
6. Frida Viola and A made this nice snowmamma in the courtyard :)


  1. Mmmm - I 'd love to know your mum's Gingerbread recipe (or perhaps it's a guarded secret)..Elizabeth.

    1. Elizabeth - I might post the recipe another day - it's not secret :)

  2. I har præcis bagt mine favorit juleting. Vores ginger bread er allerede næsten spist, men i morgen bager vi lussekatter. Dejlige billeder!


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